- Date:
- 27 Mar 2005
- Time:
- 07:17:43
- Remote User:
Very Impressive!
- Date:
- 12 Nov 2005
- Time:
- 13:15:42
- Remote User:
- Date:
- 25 Nov 2005
- Time:
- 09:10:59
- Remote User:
This is a test from the internet “add your comment box.
- Date:
- 26 Nov 2005
- Time:
- 05:43:35
- Remote User:
One mail from Comments box 26-11-05
- Date:
- 18 Feb 2006
- Time:
- 10:42:23
- Remote User:
I believe that this needs advertising. A user from Hilton Budapes
- Date:
- 05 May 2006
- Time:
- 12:19:11
- Remote User:
This is NOT a test!! Geia sou Niko, o Manos eimai.
- Date:
- 18 Jul 2006
- Time:
- 15:18:00
- Remote User:
Hello Nick! I am very impressed! This is a true story! My best regards, Andrzej Fijalkowski af@hot.pl
- Date:
- 05 Aug 2009
- Time:
- 10:14:00
- Remote User:
I don’t know if your site is often used or you still maintain it. I came here after reading the Ebook of Steve Chris Manitsas in http://members.aol.com/peramos/index.html Unfortunately now only available from here:http://web.archive.org/web/20051108171548/http://members.aol.com/peramos/index.html I’ve just read the intro page. In future I hope to comment more. At least you try to be unbiased (reading from the beginning), an attitude I’ve seldom seen Greeks doing (you’ll know there’s a negative feeling from Greeks to Turks, but also from the Turks to Greeks, because of what happened in World War I and after that). Regards, Ben
- Date:
- 16 Oct 2009
- Time:
- 02:06:06
- Remote User:
This site is a great tribute to your family! Patricia (Great-Great Grandaughter of George Horton)
- Date:
- 28 Oct 2009
- Time:
- 01:19:00
- Remote User:
From Emmanuel Petkas [pefkos539@gmail.com] I read with interest your notes about your family tree. My parents were born in Peramos and i’m sure attended the school your Grandfather was head master at. My mom, Helen Bravos was born in 1910 and fled with all the other Greeks to Greece. She was about 12 years old and told us of her mother sewing gold coins in her dress to use as bribes with the Turkish Army. My dad was born in 1900 and I believe came through Elis Island in 1912. In an arranged marriage, he went back to Greece to marry my mom. They never spoke much about their past and I wish we had pushed them more for they are all now deceased. I visited Turkey for 10 days and just got back Oct. 3rd. We went to Istambul, Cappadokia, and Ismire. Wished I had gone a day or two earlier so that I could visit their old school. My cousin, Johnny Economy visited Peramos about 8 years ago as International President of AHEPA and brought me back some soil from the old school. I’m now reading “Ships of Mercy” and can’t believe the hell our ancestors went through. Our Turkish guide in Turkey blamed much of the turmoil on the British saying they encouraged Greece to invade Turkey and they would be rewarded with choice land, “The Big Idea” I think they called it. It never happend. I’m living in Atlanta and should I return to Turkey, I will for sure try to locate the old home place. My cousins, about 8 of us, are trying to secure the properties that were given to our families as refugees. We Have been fighting this isssue for 15 years, it may never happen. Thanks for listening, Emmanuel Petkas
- Date:
- 09 Nov 2009
- Time:
- 20:46:47
- Remote User:
Really great website. I included a link to your site on my Greek genealogy blog and website at http://hellenicgenealogygeek.blogspot.com and on http://HellenicGenealogyGeek.com Georgia Keilman
- Date:08 Oct 2010
- Time:
- 08:38:49
- Remote User:
I came across this site today, Oct.8/2010. Great History lesson. My mothers family(Hatzilazarou) lived in Artaki(now called Erduc)before the great expulsion. They ended up in Korissos where she met and married my father (Fitzou). I wonder how I could get any information/history about my mothers family when they lived in Artaki. Regards and thanks in advance for any replys, Chris Fitzios
- Date:
- 03 Dec 2010
- Time:
- 13:54:32
- Remote User:
Mr Kouzos, I greatly enjoyed your web site. Both my maternal and paternal grandparents survived the genecide of 1922. My grandmother from (Constantiople)raised my brother and myself and she never once spoke of the explusion. She did still hide her icons in a trunk during the day for them only to be prayed upon at night. She mentioned that “we” Greeks always got along with our neighbours it was the government that didn’t want us. I too long to visit my grandparents homeland however, I know by entering Turkey would be supporting it financially. Turks have not changed in hundreds of years and there are modern day examples of this such as Agia Sofia used as a museum for profit and rewriting history as they please with their proproganda. I urged all Asia Minor descendents please do not support the visitation of this country. You give them a statistical value in Tourism and strenghten their resolve to continuing their version of history. Thank you again for all your hard work towards researching your site. It was very informative and heart wrenching to read at the same time.
- Date:
- 04 Feb 2011
- Time:
- 00:42:26
- Remote User:
This is a message to all my Guests to this site that require a response. I would greatly appreciate an e-mail address to reply. Nick Kouzos
- Date:
- 27 Mar 2011
- Time:
- 12:03:53
- Remote User:
Hello, Nicholas: The world is indeed small. We are connected; we are third cousins descended from the same great great grandfather, possibly George Kouzos, a barrel maker from Peramos. My paternal grandmother, Anastasia, was your grandfather’s (Nick) was first cousin. Anastasia was the daughter of Ioannidis Kouzos and Thalia (Kalioppe [Surname unknown)) and sister to the famous scholar, George Kouzos. Nick and George were very close. George was quite instrumental in helping your grandfather become a great teacher. My grandmother would refer to Nick as their beloved cousin. Obviously, Ioannidis had a brother who could have been named, Anthony. Did you have any more information on your great grandfather and grandmother. I would be curious to know. My paternal grandmother, Anastasia, was left orphaned at the age of 8 years and was raised by her older brother, George Kouzos. She eventually married into another Asia Minor family, known as Mahmourides (also spelled Machmourides) and had 5 children. The only surviving son was Gerassimos, who happens to be my father. Gerassimos and your father (Anthony Nick) were second cousins. My father was born in 1900 and I was born in 1951. My brothers, Stratos, Anastasios Ioannidis and my self reside in Montreal, Canada (email; gamhmo@videotron.ca) Any information would be most welcome.
With kind regards, George Mahmourides
- Date:
- 27 Mar 2011
- Time:
- 12:54:15
- Remote User:
George Mahmourides (email correction: gmahmo@videotron.ca)
- Date:
- 27 Mar 2011
- Time:
- 12:57:37
- Remote User:
Please note that the email of George Mahmourides has been corrected:(email correction: gmahmo@videotron.ca)
- Date:
- 04 Jul 2011
- Time:
- 18:47:18
- Remote User:
Our family lost several men and fled to Crete, losing a tobacco farm in Smyrna I have not been able to research the lineage here in USA due to language barrier. Paraskevopolou, Piangalis, Avgherinos. We lost touch with relatives living in Athens in the 1950s. Thank you for the information sad as the truth is. Christine Delaplace
- Date:
- 10 Jul 2011
- Time:
- 00:29:55
- Remote User:
To Christine Delaplace, Please sent your e mail address to maintain contact. Nick Kouzos
- Date:
- 02 Feb 2012
- Time:
- 06:56:56
- Remote User:
Βρίσκω το site πολύ καλό και αξιόλογο. Μια μικρή παρατήρηση: Μου δόθηκε η εντύπωση ότι υποτιμάται κάπως το γεγονός, – κατά την γνώμη μου – ότι η ιστορία δεν γράφεται μόνο από τα σχέδια και τις πολιτικές των μεγάλων δυνάμεων, αλλά κατά ένα μεγάλο βαθμό και από τους ηγέτες και γενικά τις αντιδράσεις των μακρότερων κρατών (λαών). Νομίζω ότι αυτό βιώνουμε και σήμερα. Ευχαριστώ Γιώργος Ασκάρογλου
- Date:
- 11 Apr 2012
- Time:
- 08:57:32
- Remote User:
This is a test from a new location NK
- Date:
- 29 Apr 2012
- Time:
- 04:01:01
- Remote User:
This a new version test from NK
- Date:
- 08 Apr 2013
- Time:
- 17:00:00
- Remote User:
- Date:
- 18 Jun 2013
- Time:
- 00:14:01
- Remote User:
- Date:
- 21 Aug 2014
- Time:
- 14:50:00
- Remote User:
- Date:
- 21 Aug 2014
- Time:
- 14:50:31
- Remote User:
- [gwolle_gb]
- Date:
- 27 Mar 2005
- Time:
- 07:17:43
- Remote User:
Very Impressive!
- Date:
- 12 Nov 2005
- Time:
- 13:15:42
- Remote User:
- Date:
- 25 Nov 2005
- Time:
- 09:10:59
- Remote User:
This is a test from the internet “add your comment box.
- Date:
- 26 Nov 2005
- Time:
- 05:43:35
- Remote User:
One mail from Comments box 26-11-05
- Date:
- 18 Feb 2006
- Time:
- 10:42:23
- Remote User:
I believe that this needs advertising. A user from Hilton Budapes
- Date:
- 05 May 2006
- Time:
- 12:19:11
- Remote User:
This is NOT a test!! Geia sou Niko, o Manos eimai.
- Date:
- 18 Jul 2006
- Time:
- 15:18:00
- Remote User:
Hello Nick! I am very impressed! This is a true story! My best regards, Andrzej Fijalkowski af@hot.pl
- Date:
- 05 Aug 2009
- Time:
- 10:14:00
- Remote User:
I don’t know if your site is often used or you still maintain it. I came here after reading the Ebook of Steve Chris Manitsas in http://members.aol.com/peramos/index.html Unfortunately now only available from here:http://web.archive.org/web/20051108171548/http://members.aol.com/peramos/index.html I’ve just read the intro page. In future I hope to comment more. At least you try to be unbiased (reading from the beginning), an attitude I’ve seldom seen Greeks doing (you’ll know there’s a negative feeling from Greeks to Turks, but also from the Turks to Greeks, because of what happened in World War I and after that). Regards, Ben
- Date:
- 16 Oct 2009
- Time:
- 02:06:06
- Remote User:
This site is a great tribute to your family! Patricia (Great-Great Grandaughter of George Horton)
- Date:
- 28 Oct 2009
- Time:
- 01:19:00
- Remote User:
From Emmanuel Petkas [pefkos539@gmail.com] I read with interest your notes about your family tree. My parents were born in Peramos and i’m sure attended the school your Grandfather was head master at. My mom, Helen Bravos was born in 1910 and fled with all the other Greeks to Greece. She was about 12 years old and told us of her mother sewing gold coins in her dress to use as bribes with the Turkish Army. My dad was born in 1900 and I believe came through Elis Island in 1912. In an arranged marriage, he went back to Greece to marry my mom. They never spoke much about their past and I wish we had pushed them more for they are all now deceased. I visited Turkey for 10 days and just got back Oct. 3rd. We went to Istambul, Cappadokia, and Ismire. Wished I had gone a day or two earlier so that I could visit their old school. My cousin, Johnny Economy visited Peramos about 8 years ago as International President of AHEPA and brought me back some soil from the old school. I’m now reading “Ships of Mercy” and can’t believe the hell our ancestors went through. Our Turkish guide in Turkey blamed much of the turmoil on the British saying they encouraged Greece to invade Turkey and they would be rewarded with choice land, “The Big Idea” I think they called it. It never happend. I’m living in Atlanta and should I return to Turkey, I will for sure try to locate the old home place. My cousins, about 8 of us, are trying to secure the properties that were given to our families as refugees. We Have been fighting this isssue for 15 years, it may never happen. Thanks for listening, Emmanuel Petkas
- Date:
- 09 Nov 2009
- Time:
- 20:46:47
- Remote User:
Really great website. I included a link to your site on my Greek genealogy blog and website at http://hellenicgenealogygeek.blogspot.com and on http://HellenicGenealogyGeek.com Georgia Keilman
- Date:08 Oct 2010
- Time:
- 08:38:49
- Remote User:
I came across this site today, Oct.8/2010. Great History lesson. My mothers family(Hatzilazarou) lived in Artaki(now called Erduc)before the great expulsion. They ended up in Korissos where she met and married my father (Fitzou). I wonder how I could get any information/history about my mothers family when they lived in Artaki. Regards and thanks in advance for any replys, Chris Fitzios
- Date:
- 03 Dec 2010
- Time:
- 13:54:32
- Remote User:
Mr Kouzos, I greatly enjoyed your web site. Both my maternal and paternal grandparents survived the genecide of 1922. My grandmother from (Constantiople)raised my brother and myself and she never once spoke of the explusion. She did still hide her icons in a trunk during the day for them only to be prayed upon at night. She mentioned that “we” Greeks always got along with our neighbours it was the government that didn’t want us. I too long to visit my grandparents homeland however, I know by entering Turkey would be supporting it financially. Turks have not changed in hundreds of years and there are modern day examples of this such as Agia Sofia used as a museum for profit and rewriting history as they please with their proproganda. I urged all Asia Minor descendents please do not support the visitation of this country. You give them a statistical value in Tourism and strenghten their resolve to continuing their version of history. Thank you again for all your hard work towards researching your site. It was very informative and heart wrenching to read at the same time.
- Date:
- 04 Feb 2011
- Time:
- 00:42:26
- Remote User:
This is a message to all my Guests to this site that require a response. I would greatly appreciate an e-mail address to reply. Nick Kouzos
- Date:
- 27 Mar 2011
- Time:
- 12:03:53
- Remote User:
Hello, Nicholas: The world is indeed small. We are connected; we are third cousins descended from the same great great grandfather, possibly George Kouzos, a barrel maker from Peramos. My paternal grandmother, Anastasia, was your grandfather’s (Nick) was first cousin. Anastasia was the daughter of Ioannidis Kouzos and Thalia (Kalioppe [Surname unknown)) and sister to the famous scholar, George Kouzos. Nick and George were very close. George was quite instrumental in helping your grandfather become a great teacher. My grandmother would refer to Nick as their beloved cousin. Obviously, Ioannidis had a brother who could have been named, Anthony. Did you have any more information on your great grandfather and grandmother. I would be curious to know. My paternal grandmother, Anastasia, was left orphaned at the age of 8 years and was raised by her older brother, George Kouzos. She eventually married into another Asia Minor family, known as Mahmourides (also spelled Machmourides) and had 5 children. The only surviving son was Gerassimos, who happens to be my father. Gerassimos and your father (Anthony Nick) were second cousins. My father was born in 1900 and I was born in 1951. My brothers, Stratos, Anastasios Ioannidis and my self reside in Montreal, Canada (email; gamhmo@videotron.ca) Any information would be most welcome.
With kind regards, George Mahmourides
- Date:
- 27 Mar 2011
- Time:
- 12:54:15
- Remote User:
George Mahmourides (email correction: gmahmo@videotron.ca)
- Date:
- 27 Mar 2011
- Time:
- 12:57:37
- Remote User:
Please note that the email of George Mahmourides has been corrected:(email correction: gmahmo@videotron.ca)
- Date:
- 04 Jul 2011
- Time:
- 18:47:18
- Remote User:
Our family lost several men and fled to Crete, losing a tobacco farm in Smyrna I have not been able to research the lineage here in USA due to language barrier. Paraskevopolou, Piangalis, Avgherinos. We lost touch with relatives living in Athens in the 1950s. Thank you for the information sad as the truth is. Christine Delaplace
- Date:
- 10 Jul 2011
- Time:
- 00:29:55
- Remote User:
To Christine Delaplace, Please sent your e mail address to maintain contact. Nick Kouzos
- Date:
- 02 Feb 2012
- Time:
- 06:56:56
- Remote User:
Βρίσκω το site πολύ καλό και αξιόλογο. Μια μικρή παρατήρηση: Μου δόθηκε η εντύπωση ότι υποτιμάται κάπως το γεγονός, – κατά την γνώμη μου – ότι η ιστορία δεν γράφεται μόνο από τα σχέδια και τις πολιτικές των μεγάλων δυνάμεων, αλλά κατά ένα μεγάλο βαθμό και από τους ηγέτες και γενικά τις αντιδράσεις των μακρότερων κρατών (λαών). Νομίζω ότι αυτό βιώνουμε και σήμερα. Ευχαριστώ Γιώργος Ασκάρογλου
- Date:
- 11 Apr 2012
- Time:
- 08:57:32
- Remote User:
This is a test from a new location NK
- Date:
- 29 Apr 2012
- Time:
- 04:01:01
- Remote User:
This a new version test from NK
- Date:
- 08 Apr 2013
- Time:
- 17:00:00
- Remote User:
- Date:
- 18 Jun 2013
- Time:
- 00:14:01
- Remote User:
- Date:
- 21 Aug 2014
- Time:
- 14:50:00
- Remote User:
- Date:
- 21 Aug 2014
- Time:
- 14:50:31
- Remote User: